Don’t Procrastinate, Prepare During National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month, serving to remind Florida residents to prepare for natural disasters and emergencies. Over the past decade, natural disasters accounted for an average of 0.1% of total deaths measuring over 150,000 lives lost. Earthquakes, flooding, and storms are the most fatal events when it comes to natural disasters. Due to these disasters, there have been over 1.71 million people displaced from their homes in 2020 alone (source). We encourage you to follow our tips and take this month to be proactive with all your disaster plans for emergencies such as hurricanes, floods, or fires to protect your family and home.

Stock Your Supply Kit

If you have not already, now is the time to ensure you have all the items you will need in your emergency supplies kit. Do not wait until a storm is approaching to find necessary items which may not be available for purchase.

Create and Practice Emergency Plans

Your family should have emergency and evacuation plans in place for different types of emergencies such as hurricanes, power outages, fires, floods, etc. Be sure you review and practice those plans often to ensure each member of your family is prepared. Should you need assistance with creating an emergency plan for your family or business, visit

Update Your Home Inventory

An emergency may cause damage to your home and contents, therefore, it is important to have a home inventory list of your items. Create your home inventory with your smartphone or camera and take pictures or videos of your items. Be sure to note their make and model, price, and store where it was purchased. Doing so may expedite the claims process. In the event you need to evacuate, be sure to take your inventory, along with other important documents with you.

Stay Informed

Emergency alerts received on your mobile phone are an effective way to stay informed should a local or national emergency occur. Visit to sign up for alerts in your area.

Review Your Insurance Policy

Now is a great time to review and update your homeowners insurance to ensure you have adequate coverage when the unexpected occurs. Don't forget, flood damage is not typically covered under your standard homeowners insurance policy, and it is important to determine if you need flood insurance prior to Hurricane Season. Edison Insurance Company offers a certified flood endorsement which allows eligible policyholders to secure flood insurance coverage up to a selected amount, eliminating the need for a standalone flood policy.

Ask your agent how they can help ensure you have the proper coverage, review your policy online, or call us at 866-568-8922. If you're looking to get a free quote with Edison Insurance Company click here.

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